Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Star Wars Episode 1 : The Phantom Menace (3D) Press Screening

Hi Korang

Kepada peminat setia citer2 sci-fiction Star Wars ni, Twentieth Century Fox and Lucasfilm Ltd mempersembahkan Star Wars Episode 1 : The Phantom Menace. Aku tau mesti korang cakap alah  dah tengok dah, apsal nak tengok lagi kan. Wei, yang korang tengok tu 2D biasa2 je, yang  kali ni 3D okeh. Pakai spekmata tau tengok filem ni.

Aku dah tengok pun last week bagi press screening filem ni. Sesangatlah.. Ah, korang layan lah synopsis filem Star Wars Episod 1 : The Phantom Menace (3D)

The Phantom Menace would be the first of a trilogy of stories to trace what happened in the intergalactic saga before the first film began. Here, Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) is a young apprentice Jedi knight under the tutelage of Qui-Gon Jinn (Liam Neeson); Anakin Skywalker (Jake Lloyd), who will later father Luke Skywalker and become known as Darth Vader, is just a nine-year-old boy. When the Trade Federation cuts off all routes to the planet Naboo, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are assigned to settle the matter, but when they arrive on Naboo they are brought to Amidala (Natalie Portman), the Naboo queen, by a friendly but opportunistic Gungan named Jar Jar. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan plan to escort Amidala to a meeting of Republic leaders in Coruscant, but trouble with their spacecraft strands them on the planet Tatooine, where Qui-Gon meets Anakin, the slave of a scrap dealer. Qui-Gon is soon convinced that the boy could be the leader the Jedis have been searching for, and he begins bargaining for his freedom and teaching the boy the lessons of the Force

Bagi aku:
Aku tak berapa sangat ikut series Star Wars ni, tengok pun lompat2 je. Untuk episode 1 ni, jalan ceritanya baru aku paham siapa watak2 dalam filem ni. Macamana setiap karaktor tu dibentuk kan. Now baru aku tau cam ne Anakin tu diorg discover.

Jalan cerita senang nak paham, walaupun lambat 10 minit masuk panggung kan. Actionnya best2. Memang real bila tengok dalam 3D ni. Masa berperang, masa lumba pod race, terbang kat angkasa. Memang awesome lah. Seolah-olah korang pun macam ada kat dalam dunia diorg ni.

Kali ni aku pi tengok sorang, so rating aku bagi 4.5/5 star.

            Local Release: 9th February 2012
Director: George Lucas
Writers: George Lucas
Produced by: Rick McCallum
Stars: Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Jake Lloyd, Ian McDiarmid
Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Official Site:
FREE Darth Maul Me Mobile App: and click on the “Create” tab
Running Time: 136 minutes
Rating: P13

Korang yang gilakan Star Wars ni, of course lah pi tengok ek. Star Wars Episode 1 ni memang sesangat best. Filem ni start ada kat panggung pada 09th February 2012. Esok je. So dah boleh lah book tiket online ek. Confirm mesti fullhouse je lah kan

Anyway thank you  Fox Century dan Nuffnang. Dapat tengok filem best dengan popcorn dan coke free lagi kan.

CLP notes: Best jugak layan citer2 sci-fiction ni. Rasa cam terbang2 gitulah.


  1. OMG. memang penantian akhirnya sampai ke kemuncak! masa mula2 teknoligi 3D ni diperkenal, dah terbayang.. kan best kalau Star Wars dlm 3D.

    Cik Lily baru tau jalan cerita dia eh? kena layan keenam-enam episod. Baru la best!

  2. fuiyoooo... kalo laaa dapat pedang star wars yang betul tuh.. hehehe

  3. ader gak dapat invitation tapi tak free la pulak...baru2x aku tengok citer journey 2 3D kat times gak...

  4. Hi CikLily....tengah blogwalk nih dan singgah nengok post2 menarik kat sini. Nanti sabtu nih nak gi tengok kat jusco tebrau sure ade kan citer nih. Keje u review filem2 utk magazine ke

  5. @Liz rohaizat
    memang pun. now mesti nak tgk the whole series

  6. @hazman
    itulah aku tunggu gak ko, but tak do pung

  7. @papa-Ntiq
    bagus citer ni baik pi tgk ek.

    memang sometimes kena buat keje2 review ni. best gak

  8. terbang kat angkasa. Memang awesome lah. Seolah-olah korang pun macam ada kat dalam dunia diorg ni.

  9. citer sama je dgn yg dulu(versi bukan 3d) atau ada ubah2?..


Korang mesti nak komen kan? Hah cepat2 tulis kan sini okeh!