Monday, October 4, 2010

Antara Yang Hadir Di Vaseline Party @Luna Bar KL

Hi Korang,

Belum sempat nak tulis panjang2 lagi pasal Vaseline Party nie sebab tak ayat nak mengambarkan keseronokannya.

So korang layan jelah gambo2 dulu ek

MrBig & Viruspadu

MrBig,VP Hubby, Darkbatman

Hamzah and the Geng

Us Semeja Besar

Tifa Supporters

Ishk dengan Yuna Lagi

Tifa yang kulitnya very moist

Ekin & Mawi tau

The Gorgeous Ladies

Hotmama Dengan Nuffies

Jaz with Someone

Yeah Menang Lagi

Cantikkan? Yang belakang tu pun cantik gak ke?

Chearmster yang kesunyian sejak ditinggalkan mak ikannya ke Penang

Diorang Yang Happening

Itulah serba sedikit aksi-aksi kegembiraan diorang nie. Actually banyak lagi gambo but aku kena kecikkan sket pixel baru boleh upload ke blog nie. Maklumlah camera canggih dan mahal plak tu kan.. huhahuahuahuahua.. Sesapa nak cilok silakan amik, but bagi credit sket tau.

Ramai sebenarnya bloggers2 newbie yang vogue dan diva yang datang but aku segan sket nak tegurlah. Maklumlah aku sorang je yang tak vogue sangat malam tu. Cari baju pun last minute je.Rambut pun x sempat nak buat coz pagi tu ada event lain lagi.

Untuk official entry and details, akan di siapkan secepat yang mungkin.

p/s: Sambil upload gambo nie, sambil nyanyi2 lagu Yuna 'Gadis Semasa'... Seronoklah..

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Yuna Oh Yuna

Hi Korang,

Kalau korang tengok gambo nie agak2 korang sebagai wife jeles tak, bila tengok laki korang gambo dengan pompuan glamer masa kini Yuna? Aku lagilah geram kan. Yang best tu gambo aku dengan Yuna dia amik sekali je. Aku nielah yang punye baik, sekali 3 kali aku amik gambo dia dengan Yuna tau.

Ala tak perlah. Bukan senang nak jumpa Yuna in person kan. Nie gara-gara Vaseline Party lah. More stories, update laterlah..

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Seharian berjalan, merata tempat.
Apa yang dirancang, lain plak jadinya
Ini baru betul, namanya dugaan.

Sekarang nie betul2 penat
Tapi yang bestnya mata tak nak lelap.
Walaupun esok banyak benda yang menanti untuk di settlekan.

Arghh otak dah jem nie
Kena gak paksa tidur.
Kalau tak esok,

p/s : Nie lah akibatnya tak nak dengar cakap orang tua, hah pada muka aku!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Yeah, I Got Invitation From Samsung

Hi Korang,

Quick update.

Tengah suka nie sebab aku dapat invitation from Samsung. Invitation untuk join cooking class yang disponsor oleh Samsung. Wah bangga giler kejap nie. Walhal aku bukan pun blogger fofular cuma sekadar melukut ditepi gantang Nuffnang je. Hehehehe.. rupa2nya diorg been following blog aku quite sometimes gaklah.

So tugasan aku senang jugaklah. Nie kira ala-ala advertorial gitu lah kan. Aku kena join cooking class tersebut dan aku kena citer kat korang nanti. So piece of cake kan!

So here's the details :

Agaknya diorg invite aku sebab aku tak reti masak kot? Maklumlah asyik makan luar je kan hehehhe.. Itu sebabnya diorg suruh aku belajar masak kot. Apa-apa hal, nanti aku update kat korang.

TQ Samsung..

Baik Baca Pesanan Nie Tau!

Hi Korang,

Saje je nak tolong Nuffnang sebarkan info pasal team click2 nie. Baik korang baca sket as a reminder untuk diri sendiri.

As you might already know, there are 2 types of Nuffnang campaigns that bloggers may earn from: Metered Cost per Impression (mCPM) Campaigns, which pay according to the number of blog visitors who view the ads running on blogs; and Cost-Per-Click (CPC) campaigns, which pay bloggers based on the number of clicks generated on the ads.

We’ve noticed that certain groups have been engaging in click fraud, which is defined as clicking on CPC advertisements intentionally just to generate earnings for a blog’s owner. We understand that some of you may just be anxious about earning some side income from displaying the banner ads, but do note that this is in fact a violation of our Terms & Conditions under Section 6.

Among some of the actions which constitute click fraud are;

- clicking on other bloggers’ ads and leaving a comment behind asking/hinting to the owner to click on their ads back

- asking for blog visitors’ help to click on the ads

- registering a large number of blogs and clicking on ads on each of them

- repeatedly switching to a different IP to click on own ads

Banner ads spaces are bought by advertisers to promote their advertising campaign. Ads are are only supposed to be clicked on if the viewer is interested to find out more about the advertising campaign, not for the intention of earning extra money. Merely clicking on banner ads for the intention of earning extra money would jeopardize the effectiveness of a campaign. It may seem harmless, but click fraud benefits no one in the long run because should this situation worsen, the frequency of ad campaigns might be significantly reduced as advertisers will be selective to only advertise on blogs with no records of click fraud, reducing the number of ad space available to advertisers.

Our system is capable of tracking these actions mentioned above, which are documented and if necessary, be used as evidence for any legal purposes. In the past, Nuffnang has suspended and banned various individuals and groups for involved with this offence. However, as the number of bloggers who engage in click fraud has been growing in an alarming rate within our community, we are forced to be more vigilant to bring this to an end. We would take the necessary action to preserve the quality of blogs and ad space available to advertisers so other members of the community are not affected by those who engage in click fraud.
We realize that many Nuffnangers may not be aware that they might unintentionally be involved with click fraud, therefore we ask that you please help us spread the word. If you are aware of any of your friends or other Nuffnangers who have been engaging in such acts, we would appreciate it if you could kindly educate them on the harms of engaging in click fraud activities.

Hah, apa macam? Korang ok tak lepas baca nie. Jadi sesapa yang suka click2 tu hentikan lah. Bukan apa Nuffies nie bole detect benda2 nie. Fresh & Robb sendiri cakap dengan aku tau. Sebab tu aku tau dan tak akan buat benda2 nie.
Fikir2kanlah dan selamat beramal...
p/s : Korang ingat boleh kaya ke, dengan main click2 nie?