Monday, May 24, 2010

C2 100% Natural Teh Hijau Yang Menyegarkan! Jom Cuba Sebotol!

Salam Korang,

Aku diberi tugasan untuk mereview produk minuman segar Green Tea yang di panggil C2 ini. Memang best. Ikuti entry ini.

Why it called C2:

Its come from 2 things which is Cool & Clean Green Tea. And its refreshingly 100% Natural Green Tea

Product Features and Benefits:

Made from 100% Natural Green Tea (not from powder and concentrates of green tea).
The Green Tea are “Brewed and Packaged” fresh on the same day, therefore retaining most of the green tea goodness and benefits which is normally lost in other extraction processes.

Have all the “Benefits” of Green Tea:

Among all tea, it has the least caffeine and the highest amount of health benefits.
Powerful Anti-Oxidant
Can reduce the risk of four of the major health problems: stroke, heart failure, cancer and diabetes.
Also helps Rheumatiod Arthritis, Clolesterol, Infection, Impaired Immune Function and detox.
Healthier alternative to carbonated soft drink.

Comes in 3 refreshing flavours, Apple, Lemon and Forest Fruit.
Convenient 350ml reseal-able PET bottle that you can ‘sip & seal” and “drink on the go”.
‘Halal’ Certified.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does green tea come out with apple or lemon favour?
This is to give consumers more choices for drinking.

What is this antioxidant ‘Catechins’? Does it comes naturally from green tea or is it added in by the manufacturer?
Catechin is natural and not added by manufacturer. It is a natural powerful antioxidant found in green tea. It is also found in chocolate (cocoa), fruits, vegetables, wine and in many other plant species but it is most abundant in Green Tea.

Which country does this product came from?
Our product is imported from our regional plant in Vietnam.

Perisa Mixed Berries

What is it made up of? For example ‘Green tea Apple’ flavours. Does the manufacturer added apple juice to it?
We add permitted and approved apple flavouring.

I am diabetes. Advisable for me to drink it or not?
 It does contain sugar and generally anything that contains sugar, it is not recommended for diabetics.

I drink Chinese tea daily. What’s the different between my Chinese tea and green tea?
Our Green Tea still maintains all the health benefits of Green Tea through our usage of 100% natural Green Tea leaves brewed and bottle on the same day.The main difference between Chinese tea & our green tea is that our green tea is added with flavour like apple, lemon or forest fruit flavour. The added flavour enhances the taste and musk the bitter taste of Green Tea/Chinese Tea which some of us don’t like.

Is this drink ‘HALAL'?
Yes. We have the approval of all the relevant authorities and you can see from our bottles we have the approved HALAL logo.
Sedapnya perisa Lemon

Will the drinks go bad if I leave them at my store room for a few months?
Like all things it will go bad. Even water stored too long will go bad, but storing a few months at room temperature should be ok as we have gone thru strict hygiene processes when bottling.

Do I need to chill it before drinking?
Not necessary but we recommend it is best served chilled.

There are a number of recent studies which relate green tea and weight loss. Does this product helps in losing weight as well?
As we are not a dieting product, we do not claim it, even though green tea contains catechins which help to enhance exercise.
Bila dah disejukkan, lagi sedap perisa apple nie.

What makes the C2 difference?
Natural Green Tea Leaves Not powder. Not concentrates. C2 brewed and bottled on the same day using pure, natural green tea leaves perfectly brewed to release their delicate flavor.
C2 brews 100% pure and natural green tea leaves gently to retain the antioxidants normally lost in other extraction processes. These powerful antioxidants, called ‘Catechins’ help fight the effects of stress by reducing cholesterol levels, lowering blood pressure and boosting the immune system.

Unique Packaging

Packed in a convenient ‘resealable’ 350ml PET bottle that you can ‘sip & seal’ and drink ‘on-the-go’.

Catechins - Antioxidants

What you read is what you drink – all the goodness, the freshness and flavor of natural green tea leaves of the Camellia Sinensis variety, brewed and bottled on the very same day only by C2 Cool & Clean. And that makes the C2 difference!!

Apa Kata Pengguna Yang Sudah Mencubanya:-

After taking the Philippines and Vietnam by storm, C2 COOL & CLEAN is now available in Malaysia. Brought to you by URC Snack Foods (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd - Malaysia’s leading snack foods, biscuits and chocolate distributor, with a leading range of successful products under the Jack ‘n Jill brand name which include Potato Chips, Jigs, Roller Coaster as well as Cloud 9 and Cream-O brands. C2 COOL & CLEAN is a range of high quality non-carbonated ready-to-drink fruit flavored green tea based beverage that creates a refreshing lifestyle different from your usual soft drinks. It is the ‘break’ the body needs in this stressful world. Healthy, refreshing … with a cool, clean taste that goes down light & easy. In Lemon, Apple and Forest Fruits that you’ll love.

Where to get:

1. 7-11
2. Mydin
3. Giant
4. Jusco
5. Other shops near you.

So kengkawan dapatkanlah produk ini, aku dapat banyak? Bukan tak nak kasi korang, masalahnya aku dah distribute family aku untuk testing. Majoriti cakap sedap. Memang rasa fresh. Nak-nak lagi bila dah disejukkan air C2 nie. Confirm sedap sampai ke tekak pun still rasa segar lagi.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Tolong! Aku Dah Jatuh Cinta Dengan RSVP!

Hi korang,

Terlupa nak update ari nie lah. Leka melekat depan tv kan. Maklumlah aku kan sigila tv yang tegar.
Dari pagi tadi sampai sekarang, tv aku tak tutup dek leka menonton cerita2 yang best2.

Nie baru pas tengok Konsert Akhir AF 8. Dalam bebanyak lagu yang diorg nyanyi, aku memang tersuka dengan lagu nie.

Maulana RSVP

Kali pertama ku melihat hati sudah rasa terpikat
Bila kau membalas senyuman
K u berkhayalan...
Kita berdua jatuh cinta
Kau milikku dan ku kau punya
Tapi di dalam realiti belum pasti

Ku pinta kau repondez sil vous plait
Jangan biar ku fikir ku bertepuk sebelah tangan
Ku rayu kau repondez sil vous plait
Agar dapat berakhir angan yang mengganggu fikiran

Dah tak mampu berselindung lagi
Cinta yang lahir dalam hati
Aku tahu kau juga mahu tetapi malu
Andainya benar katakanlah agar dapat mengorak langkah

Bila ku ketuk pintu hatimu
Izinku masuk
Luahkanlah ku perlu tahu
Luahkanlah isi hatimu

Sekarang ni, aku tengah melalak2 depan pc kat bilik hiburan aku nie,nyanyi lagu nie. Nasib baik mr Big x bising.Hopefully jiran2 aku pun x marah. hehehehe
Tolong aku dah terkemaruk RSVP nie..

Friday, May 21, 2010

Ada Berani Ke?Jom Test Power!

Salam Korang,

Quick update. Saje je nak bakar2 korang kan.

Korang layan jelah gegambo nie.

Kejadian kat Sepang F1 Circuit tau!

Aku salah sorang pelumba

Berlumba di hadapan peminat setia.

Tengoklah aksi2 hebat nie

Tengoklah aku dapat no berapa kan.

So apa macam, korang ade berani ke? Jomlah test power! Kita tengok sapa yang hebat.

Actually saje je tulis entry nie sebab tengah fikir2, next week nak lumba go-kart lagi kat Litar Ayer Keroh, Melaka plak, cousin aku ajak test power kononya. Macam dia bagus sangat ek! Tak per, tunggulah.

Kini "Standing In The Eyes Of The World"
Hanyalah selangkah dari nyata
Keazaman membara dijiwa
Menanti saat bebas merdeka

Tapi next week nak buat BBQ kat umah mak aku? Ermm cam ner ek

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Salam Korang,


Ermm ntahlah, so far aku aku rasa semua tau pasal nie. Bila terpandang bola sepak je terus teringat Adidas. Begitu sinonim je kan.

Aku rasa Adidas adalah satu brand yang terkemuka di arena sukan kala ini, terutamanya bola sepak. Kebanyakan pasukan bola sepak terkemuka di dunia ini di taja oleh Adidas. Di antaranya barangan Adidas yang sering mendapat sambutan adalah jersi, seluar, kasut, sarung tangan dan yang paling penting sekali ialah bola sepak itu sendiri.

Aku percaya bahawa Adidas akan sentiasa akan kekal di hati peminat2nya kerana kualitinya yang bermutu lagi berprestig

Episod 29/49 - Project Alpha S2

Episod 30/49 - Project Alpha S2

Episod 31/49 - Project Alpha S2

Episod 32/49 - Project Alpha S2

Project Alpha is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS. The Project Alpha bloggers will be at the Adidas Pure Game Ole KO event on Friday (May 21), from 7.30pm-8.30pm. Catch them in action!

Red Wok Restaurant, Bangi -Sesuai Dengan Tekak Kami

Salam Korang,

Quick update je ari nie, coz banyak keje sangat. Last couple of weeks kitorang makan kat Red Wok. Disebabkan masak dan tak tau makan apa, so ktorg pun merayau-rayau kat area umah dan terjumpa restaurant nie. Sesuai dengan namanya Red Wok kerana interior and exterior berkonsepkan merah dan hitam tapi bukan tiru Kak Red okeh.

So ktorg plan nak makan BBQ & Steamboat. Wah memang bestlah variety sajian yang dihidangkan. Tapi kalau nak Ala-Carte pun ada gak.

Malas nak citer panjang, aku cuba review restaurant nie dari contact lens mata aku nie:

1. Reservation - x payah. Kedai nie luas, banyak tempat duduk

2. the traffic en route, - Tepi jalan, dalam area Taman Kajang Impian dekat Seksyen 7 Bangi

3. parking, - F.O.C. melambak, tanah lot la katakan. Sebab tu luas

4. seating arrangement, - meja disusun panjang. Susun pendek2 pun ada.

5. the ambiance, - sangat menyamankan. Bau makanan yang sangat sedap walaupun lom masak lagi.

6. the crowd, - not bad, maklumlah kedai nei baru bukak

7. the music (if any), -dengar bunyi ketukan sudu garfu, orang2 sedang mengumpat pasal kejelah, kucing matilah, cik limah pakai kain ketatlah. hah cam tu lah.

8. the menu, choosing, - korang boleh pilih atau boleh amik seberapa banyak korang nak makan tapi dengan syarat kene abiskan sampai licin. Kalau tak kene charge.

Cara Masak : Dalam daput comel yang telah disediakn. ala senang je

9. service, how long does the food take to come to your table.- Mestilah cepat, amik sendiri kan. Maybe ala-carte tu lambat sket kot, sebab kene order dulu kan.

Ayam yang diperap dengan pelbagai rasa

Pilihan steamboat yang meyelerakan

Nie kaunter mee plak.

Pelbagai kaler of ice-cream. I like!

10. the taste, main course and dessert, Korang layanlah gambo2 nie

Tukang masakku yang setia

Licin semuanya.

11. and finally, paying, accompanied with whether you think the whole experience is worth the price - Amat berpatutan bagi aku dgn mrBig yang suker makan nie. Amat2 murah dari Tupai2 dan Seoul Garden

Apa-apa pun makan kat sini best, toilet bersih dan siap dengan surau lagi. So pas nie leh lah ajak ayah aku makan sini. Dia memang cerewet bab makan2 nie tau bukan cam anak dia main bedal je kan!

So kalau korang nak pi makan kat kedia nie, nie details nya :

Red Wok Restaurant Sdn Bhd
Lot PT 70550, Jalan Kajang Impian 1/2
Taman Kajang Impian
43650 Bandar Baru Bangi
Tel: +603-8927-4100
Fax: +603-8927-4500
HP: +6012-9100-100 - Muhammad Oon (Brian)

Maybe pas nie nak cuba ala-carte plak lah. Tapi mr Big tak puas makan ala-carte sebab sket. Ade ke dia boleh cakap cam tu ek!

Cerita kedai kopi
Cerita kedai kopi
Tiada hakim tiada saksi
Cerita sensasi di kedai kopi

Nanti nak citer pasal kedai kopi kat kampung ooo banyak gossip terkini.

p/s: Gambo tak berape cantik coz amik pki hp.