Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sunday Post : Salam Dari Bumi Hang Tuah

Hi Good Morning,

This week ktorg berweekend ke tanah Hang Tuah. Eventho aku memang selalu balik Melaka but untuk explore Bandar Melaka memang tak de masa.

So ini dia berweekend di Melaka

Tapi sebelum start jalan-jalan, mestilah minum dulu kopi Hang Tuah kan. Baru lah bertambah tenaga untuk jalan lagi jauh kan.


Nanti sambung citer lagi... chow...

Selamat Berehat Korang

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Amazing Eyes With RIMMEL Mono eyeshadow

Hi there,

Ladies, i sure all of you would like to have a very bright and nice eyes make-up right? Yeah me too. We women like things that make us beautiful. So here i found something that can make u excited.

Its Mono Eyeshadow from Rimmel London. For the first time i saw it, I fell in love already.

It is a long-lasting eyeshadow and not need for me to touch up all day. As for me when I used it feels trivial in the eyes until the feeling as if not wearing anything at all. It feels so soft as silky and not sticky and important also not greasy. This eyeshadow can also make our face look differently, especially in the eyes because of tthe color which is so bright and beautiful.

The way its application is relatively easy even without a brush. Can only use a finger. There are 15 different tone colors of each one and we can buy as many as colour that you like.

These shadows come in a little lid pot with 2.4g of product, and inside there is a little stopper which keeps it compact.

Rimmel Mono Eyeshadow available at leading supermarkets throughout Malaysia with the price of RM14.90 each.

Get it now!
Note : Nie tengah belajar2 tulis product review dalam english. Adui grammar tunggang langgang betul lah. Anway this is sponsored post.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Dapat Hadiah Comel Dari Mama Zharfan

Hi Korang,

Ingat lagi tak aku ada penah join tiny giveaway dari Mama Zharfan? Ermm terlucky dan menang jugak dalam giveway tu. So semalam sampai jugak hadiah comel yang di janjikan

Ermm aku suruh dia post kat alamat office. Itu yang kena padam semua tu kan. Aku jarang pi tengok mailbox kat umah aku, susah sket sebab kena lalu kat parking motor lah. Sempit. Selalunya mr Big yang tengok surat.

Nak tengok dalamnya tak? jom lah.

Ermm sweet kan. Comel2 dan colourful gift yang aku dapat. Sampai bebudak kat opis aku  ni nak jugaklah kan.

Tapi aku suka yang ini

Sebab senang nak bawak pi memana. Tak kiralah naik kapalterbang ke dalam keretapi ke dalam kereta pun kan.

So thank you to Mama Zharfan. Walaupun kecik but I really appreciate tau.. Tapi tak leh lawan Eyriqazz lah yang baru je menang Ipad2 kan.. Nyampah  + Jeles okeh... hahahahahahha

Happy Weekend Korang..