Hi Korang,
Mesti ramai yang tertunggu dengan kedatangan MTV World Stage 2012 kan? Ye aku pun sama gak. Kali ni barisan artis antarabangsa makin ramai dan hebat dan di antaranya KARA, JaY PARK, MIZZ NINA dan di tunggu iaitu JUSTIN BIEBER yeah!
Kalau last year korang pergi sudah semestinya this year korang pun mesti nak pergi lagi kan. Yelah artis pun gempak-gempak
So, NAK TIKET FREE ke MTV World Stage 2012 ni?
Senang je, cam ni caranya
Dapat FREE tiket bila korang reload atau subscribe
PREPAID (Cara yang pertama)
Reload RM60 and above to get TWO FREE tickets.
- Step 1: Register by sending MTV to 28881
- Step 2: Upon receiving registration confirmation SMS, reload RM60 (cumulative) and above to get mobile voucher to redeem TWO FREE tickets.
Terms and Conditions:
- Limited to TWO tickets per mobile number.
- Register and reload must be performed before 10th July 2012.
- Mobile voucher must be redeemed by 12 July 2012.
- Tickets availability is subject to first come, first serve basis.
FACEBOOK (Cara yang kedua)
Ini lagi senang, korang cuma ‘LIKE’ fanpage Xpax / U.O.X / S.O.X kat Facebook dan korang dah boleh memenangi tiket FREE ni.
Cuma log in ke www.facebook.com/xpaxfb or www.facebook.com/uoxfb or www.facebook.com/soxfb and use the “Time to Muxic” Facebook app.
Dari 26th Jun to 8th Julai, gunakan ‘Time to Muxic’ FB apps tu dan spread the word pasal MTV World Stage ni dan share seberapa ramai yang mungkin. Lagi banyak korang share lagi tinggi peluang korang untuk menang tiket FREE ni kan. Jadi one of the 25 point-getters dan korang dah boleh menang 4 passes ke MTV World Stage 2012 ni
THE CUBE (Cara yang ketiga)
Download selected Call Me Tones and True Tones or Full Songs to stand a chance at getting FREE tickets to MTV World Stage.
To Download Call Me Tones: Dial *888*
# press CALL.
To Download Full Songs: Send FSsong code to 21308.
To Download True Tones: Send TTsong code to 21308.
You and your friend could be on your way to MTV World Stage for FREE! Join Frencube by dialing *888*219#. Then pose like a superstar and upload the photos to Frencube to stand a chance to win FREE tickets.
Just record your voice screaming “I Love Justin Bieber” in the longest and craziest way to get tickets to MTV World Stage Live in Malaysia 2012! Dial *1185 to stand a chance.

Ada Peluang Keemasan Yang Sukar Dilepaskan
Bukan setakat menang tiket FREE je malah korang boleh jumpa Justin Bieber in person!. Aku pun cam tak percaya gak but itulah kenyataannya. Korang Cuma download lagu Justin Bieber iaitu ‘Boyfriend‘ dan ‘Die in your arms‘ sebagai call me tones dan hantar ke kawan korang sebagai hadiah.
Boyfriend (Justin Bieber M&G)
Justin Bieber
Die In Your Arms (Justin Bieber M&G)
Justin Bieber
To download, type CMTsongcode and send to 22990 or dial *888*# and press CALL.
To send Call Me Tones as a gift, type CMT Giftsongcode friend’s mobile number and send to 22990.
For easy downloading, go to The Cube’s mobile USSD portal by dialing *888*99# or *888# and select MTV World Stage 2012.
Korang mungkin di antara yang bertuah dapat peluang untuk Meet and Greet dengan Justin Bieber!
Hah mudah kan, cuma ikut je instruction yang aku tulis kat atas tu tadi. Memang senang je nak menang tiket FREE MTV World Stage 2012 ni kan.
Untuk lebih details lagi tentang cara-cara nak menang tiket FREE ni boleh layari ke xpax.com.my, www.thecube.my ataum.thecube.my dan www.facebook.com/xpaxfb; www.facebook.com/uoxfb; www.facebook.com/soxfb
Wah macam best..
Wah macam best..
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